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ÃÛÌÒTV Page > Community > Aboriginal Education

We, the community of ÃÛÌÒTV's College, Campbelltown acknowledge that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the original owners of this land and that it was taken from them by force. We acknowledge and respect the richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders' culture, spirituality and relationship with the land.


  • destruction of your society and culture
  • separation of families
  • not valuing your heritage and forcing you to follow ‘white’ ways
  • acting unjustly resulting in lack of access to resources in the areas of health, housing education and employment
  • applying unfair stereotypes

For the future we promise to recognise past actions and mistakes and strive to establish equality and mutual respect. We hope that all Australians can live in peace and harmony as children of our God who does not discriminate on the basis of the colour of our skin and loves each one of us unconditionally.

We ask for and commit ourselves to listening, healing and reconciliation.


ÃÛÌÒTV’s College have over 40 girls of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.


In support of these girls, the College has a dedicated Aboriginal Education Support (Ms Michelle Lemeki) and the Aboriginal Advisory Committee. The Committee members are:

  • Uncle Ivan Wellington
  • Aunty Rycie Dickson
  • Aunty Joan Hanzel
  • Aunty Josie McGuinness
  • Sr Kerry Mcdermott

The Committee meets twice per term. It provides support and guidance to the College and our Aboriginal girls.

The Committee worked on the Aboriginal Education Policy and provides links with Aboriginal agencies in the community.

The College employs an Aboriginal Teacher, who works with the staff, parents and girls to embed an Aboriginal perspective into the curriculum and raise the awareness and understanding of Aboriginal culture in the community. Through the support and direction of the Aboriginal Teacher, Aboriginal girls at the College have exposure to cultural experiences and infrastructures that aim to optimise their educational outcomes.

The College provides an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship for girls entering the College in Year 7. All students seeking this scholarship must complete an application form. They will be interviewed by a panel of Aboriginal community members, including Elders, who will inform the College of the preferred candidate. Girls can also apply for the Fee Relief Scholarship, which is awarded to an incoming Year 7 student. Both scholarships are for tuition only and valid for six years. Families who believe ÃÛÌÒTV’s is the most appropriate high school for their daughter, but are ineligible for the scholarships available, are asked to attend a meeting with the Principal.

The College’s Aboriginal Education Policy was developed by the Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee and outlines the College’s position on Aboriginal education.

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