info@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au (02) 4629 2999

Enrolling at ÃÛÌÒTV's

ÃÛÌÒTV Page > Enrolments > Enrolling at ÃÛÌÒTV's (old)

Enrolment Criteria


ÃÛÌÒTV’s College is a non systemic, congregational Catholic College and as such is not restricted to geographic boundaries when accepting enrolment applications.

The ÃÛÌÒTV’s College Board delegates to the Principal the right to exercise discernment in the acceptance of individual students in the enrolment process.


In processing applications for entry to the College, the priority for entry will be:

  • Sisters of students currently enrolled in the College, or of former students of the College.
  • Daughters of past students of the College.
  • Catholic students attending a Catholic parish primary school.
  • Catholic students attending a government or other non government primary school.
  • Non Catholic students attending a Catholic parish primary school.
  • Non Catholic students attending a government or other non government school.

Enrolment of a student is conditional upon parents/carers undertaking the financial requirements of the College.

Enrolment Process

As a general rule the enrolment process for current year enrolments at the College is as follows:

  • Collect an Enrolment Pack from the College Reception — or request a copy to be mailed.
  • Complete all sections and return with required documentation, including the non-refundable $55 Enrolment Fee, to the College
  • Upon receipt of the application the College will contact you to organise an Enrolment Interview
  • You will be advised as soon as possible after the interview whether or not your application was successful
  • If accepted, a Confirmation of Enrolment Form is completed and an Advance Fee of $500 is paid prior to commencement

Year 7 Enrolment

We continually accept enrolments for students who are currently in Year 5 and Year 6. Each application is considered on an individual basis and the applicant together with her parent(s) attend an interview.

During the enrolment period for Year 7 the following process is used:

  • Enrolment Packs are available from the College Reception or can be mailed to you. Scholarship information is included with the Pack.
  • Information in the Enrolment Pack will indicate the dates for returning applications and when Enrolment Interviews will take place.
  • Letters advising acceptance/non-acceptance are sent out after the interviews.
  • If accepted, a Confirmation of Enrolment Form is completed and an Advance Fee of $500 is paid.
  • Closer to the end of the year, an Information/Orientation Day and Induction Days are conducted for both parents and students, usually in November.
  • The College also runs Parent Workshops prior to commencement.

Years 8-12 Applications

These students wishing to enrol at the College for commencement at the beginning of the following year follow the same process as Year 7 Enrolments. These students and their parents are also invited to attend the Information/Orientation Day in November or December. For Enrolments after the commencement of the school year, contact the College for an enrolment pack and to discuss availabilty of places.

Year 7 Parent Workshops

The College conducts this workshop towards the end of each year. It is an excellent opportunity for parents new to the College community to gain insight into College life. Year 7 parents find the workshop invaluable in learning how to assist their daughter(s) through the transition from Primary to Secondary School.

Jacqui Hilton

02 4629 2999
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