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Lifelong Learning at SPC

Academic Care

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Our Model

Our Academic Care model enhances student learning, wellbeing and resilience through pedagogies aligned to student needs, supported through relationships of mutual respect and embedded in effective learning experiences.

Academic Care aims to deliver Quality Teaching and Learning outcomes in an environment where right relationships are established and a focus on student wellbeing is essential.

Our Framework explained

Religion & Faith

TV’s College commits to a vision of Catholic education which draws on the strength of the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition centred on Jesus Christ and his mission.

Keeping the Faith

Wellbeing & Support Service

It is our belief that the College plays a vital role in assisting students to develop to their full potential — academically, socially and spiritually within a framework.

Prioritising Wellbeing

Learning Enhancement

Following in the spirit of the Good Samaritan tradition and based on Benedictine values, TV’s College respects the dignity and value of every individual.

Learn more

Middle School

The Middle School at TV’s College encompasses Years 7 to 9 and operates within our Academic Care framework that identifies and develops strategies and experiences in order to create a cycle of enhanced learning and psychosocial development for students.

Senior School

The Senior School at TV’s College encompases Years 10 to 12 and operates within our Academic Care framework that identifies and develops strategies and experiences in order to create a cycle of enhanced learning and psychosocial development for students.

Careers Education

Students leaving school are faced with a number of daunting and challenging decisions that will ultimately shape their futures. With increasing demands and competitiveness in the job market students must maximise their chance for employment.

Library Services

Learning Technologies


Co-Curricular Activities

“I feel like the College has the resources and skills to cater for all learning types and presents an inclusive environment to all girls. They provide assistance in helping girls grow as a student and as a person, helping them to enhance and develop the skills they need to maximise their learning and overall high school experience, also forming a confident and independent identity that they can carry with them through life after graduating.” Year 12 student